Month: July 2017

Domestic Violence And Children In North Carolina

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Domestic violence is a life-threatening matter that needs to be addressed as soon as it occurs. Although adults are typically the target of domestic abuse, exposed children need to understand the issue on an age appropriate level. Violence perpetrated by a parental or guardian figure is very confusing for children and they most often don’t know what to do in response.

One of the most important ways to deal with this issue is to talk about it with your children before it happens. This requires communicating with them in a way they can understand. The following post will help you with that:

Talking to Young Children about Domestic Violence

Violence in the home can be a difficult subject to approach. There are many complicated feelings associated with domestic abuse — fear, love, shame, sadness, hope — that can make it difficult to try to speak about with other adults.

Now, trying to address this same topic and all of its complicated feelings with children can seem like a daunting task. However, just as it is incredibly important and valuable to create a system of support for yourself as a survivor of domestic violence, it is just as necessary to talk about the issue with your children. Because otherwise, all of those confusing feelings remain unresolved in their heads. They don’t have the ability to understand the situation fully, and might end up placing blame where it doesn’t belong, feeling responsible and internalizing these feelings. Read more at Break the Silence…

Talking about domestic violence with your children will help them recognize it. In the event that they or their friends experience it, they will know how to take appropriate action in response.

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A common form of domestic abuse is emotional abuse, which is typically harder to detect than physical abuse, but can have equally devastating effects on children. The post below has more:

Emotional Abuse and The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

In England, where I continue to practice as a Child Protection Social Worker, there are just over 50,000 children who are subject to Child Protection plans….

While neglect can at times be hard to define, and is often seen as an ‘umbrella term’ when choosing a Child Protection category where there are several risk factors present, it is the long-term impact of emotional abuse that remains the most difficult to evidence.

Emotional abuse might not leave bruises, but it does leave scars.

When speaking with colleagues from all over the world, they share a common problem of explaining the impact of emotional abuse to parents and carers who find difficulty in understanding the damage their children are suffering. This problem is multiplied many times over if the concerns are so severe that Social Workers are having to suggest alternative care options because of the likely impact of future emotional abuse on children. Read more at Social Work Tutor…

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Sometimes even well-meaning parents can cross the line into abuse with their children. This is particularly true with regard to discipline and punishment. The key question is this: Do your discipline methods — particularly related to corporal punishment — equate to child abuse? In North Carolina, the charge is clearly defined, so read the following post and look for the signs:

When Does Paddling Become Child Abuse?

Many — perhaps even most — parents paddle, spank, or otherwise use physical force to discipline their children. This kind of discipline is generally viewed by law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and the courts as a parental prerogative and not as criminal child abuse. Yet there are limits on the degree of physical force that a parent may lawfully employ and the degree of injury a parent may lawfully inflict. A parent who acts with malice, uses grossly inappropriate force or who causes lasting injury may be prosecuted for child abuse. A recent court of appeals case demarcates the boundaries of permissible parental discipline and sets forth standards for determining when physical discipline by parents constitutes criminal child abuse. Read more at North Carolina Criminal Law…

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If you are dealing with home-based physical or emotional abuse, it is important for you to understand that you have rights under North Carolina law.

If you are dealing with physical or emotional abuse involving yourself or your children it is critical that you understand that you have rights under North Carolina law. Seek relief via law enforcement as well as the criminal justice system. Attorney Jonathan Meek of Meek Law Firm can give you the expert guidance you need to navigate this complex area of the law.

Call (704) 848-6335 or use the contact form on the Meek Law Firm website to schedule a consultation appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

Keep reading about Domestic Violence And Children In North Carolina at Meek Law Firm

Gain A Better Understanding of Child Support Issues in North Carolina

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According to statistics, child support constitutes one of the biggest debt issues in America. In basic terms, many parents just choose to abdicate their financial responsibility to bring up their children.

Fortunately, this issue has not gone unnoticed by the courts and enforcement authorities. It is possible to get the required support for your child. In fact, in some states, people with child support debt are denied important benefits. For instance, in Texas a person cannot buy a car if they don’t pay their child support dues.

However, when it comes, to child support, it is important to have the correct facts from the start. The following post explains what child support is and what it is not:

This Is What Child Support IS…And Is NOT

The legal definition of child support (according to Legal Dictionary) is funds ordered by the court for one parent to pay to the other to assist in the cost of raising their shared children. Support is, most often, determined by a standardized income table and factors in number of children, incomes of both parents, and the custody arrangement.

The intent of support is to offset the burden of child-related costs so that the parent with less income, or who has the children a greater amount of time, is able to maintain the children’s needs and so that the children’s standard of living between homes remains as consistent as possible.

As we all know, what is written in the law books and behind the intent of such rules is not always what is experienced in real life! Child support remains one of the most hotly-contested issues of divorce as many children go without the support that could be used to help take care of them. Read more at Divorced Moms…

The purpose of child support is to ensure that children grow up with the quality of life they deserve based on their parents’ best abilities to provide.

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Since it is a sad fact that many parents try to avoid paying up, you need to know who is liable to pay child support. The following post sheds light on this:

Who is Obligated to Pay Child Support?

Who is responsible for child support payments? The non-custodial parent, the non-custodial adoptive parent, both biological parents, and sometimes a non-biological parent taking on the responsibility of parenting long term are responsible parties. You don’t have to be married to be responsible for paying child support and leaving your spouse won’t automatically leave you off the hook.

If you are the biological parent, then you will need to pay your portion of child support.

There are times when a special needs child will continue to receive child support beyond 18 years of age. If a child is adopted by someone else or is active military, then child support payments no longer apply. Read more at The Balance…

As you see, the requirement to pay child support is a mandatory responsibility. No matter how much some parents may try to avoid paying, they remain debtors who are legally bound to provide for their offspring.

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Wondering how much support your child should receive? In North Carolina, there are specific laws that guide how to calculate the support, as indicated in the post below:

How Do North Carolina Courts Determine Child Support?

In most cases, a court in North Carolina will set child support according to a strict mathematical calculation established in the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines. This calculation takes a number of different factors into account, including:

  • The parents’ gross monthly incomes
  • Pre-existing child support obligations or other dependent children for whom the supporting parent is responsible
  • Any work-related daycare or childcare expenses paid by the parents
  • Health insurance premiums paid by either parent for the child
  • “Extraordinary expenses” paid on behalf of a child, which can include things like expenses for visitation-related travel or private school tuition. Read more at Myers Legal…

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There’s more to child support than meets the eye, and you need to have all the facts right to have a winning case should you need to file for it. Navigating these complex matters is best done with the help of a qualified attorney.

Meek Law Firm has successfully handled countless child support cases. For more information, contact attorney Jonathan Meek today to discuss the specifics of your situation. Call (704) 848-6335 or use the contact form on the website to schedule a consultation appointment.

Keep reading about Gain A Better Understanding of Child Support Issues in North Carolina at Meek Law Firm