Author: Meek Law Firm

Been working for Meek Law Firm Charlotte for almost 5 years already as one of their top legal adviser on different clients. Handled different legal case in the area Charlotte.

What You Should Know About Product Liability Litigation

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As a business person in the manufacturing industry, product liability litigation is a real risk. Once you have released your products to the market, you have little if any control over their effects on consumers. That said, you need to be in the know of what would happen if anything goes wrong. Product liability litigation happens when consumers file a case against the producer of a product because of the effect the product has had on them.

Let’s start by viewing this matter from the general legal picture of American law. The following post explains how this works:

Product liability law in the United States, which is largely a function of state law, is well developed in most states, but is fluid and continues to adapt and respond to developing trends and theories. For example, abuses of the product liability laws in particular areas such as asbestos claims and pharmaceutical litigation have led to reform of procedural rules, like class actions, and other tort reforms in various states, such as caps on damage awards. These measures have reduced the number of these types of product claims. Read more at Getting The Deal Through…

It would be unwise not to familiarize yourself with the laws governing product liability as a producer. Since the laws keep changing due to development realities, you also need to keep abreast with these changes.

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Now, when it comes to a particular product liability case, what should you expect? The following post explains it in detail:

Generally, in order to file a lawsuit in the United States, a plaintiff must plead the essential facts to make a prima facie case under whichever theories of liability he or she is proceeding. That pleading takes the form of a complaint, which must be served on defendant(s) in the manner required by the local rules where the case is filed. Perfecting service of the complaint on defendant(s) initiates the lawsuit. In order for a court to take up a product liability claim, it must have both personal and subject matter jurisdiction. Read more at Lexology…

If by any chance you are faced with a supposed product liability lawsuit, it is not valid if it has not gone through the stated procedure. A competent lawyer should be able to notice any inconsistencies in the lawsuit.

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However, if a valid lawsuit has been filed against you or your company, there are several grounds on which it could be made. The following post explains them in detail:

What Types of Product Liability Are There?

Products liability may be proven using three different types of defective product theories. Understanding these types of product liability theories can help you understand if you have a case or not. They include:

Warning defects: The product lacked sufficient warning labels or instructions, and these defects caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

Manufacturing defect: The product was defect in the way that it was manufactured or produced. This usually refers to a product that is designed properly, but was individually manufactured in a wrong way.

Design defect: Here, the injuries resulted from defects related to the way the product was designed. Design defects have the potential for injuring large groups of consumers, and they are often latent. Read more at Legal Match…

Any product liability lawsuit can be unnerving since it has the potential to ruin your business and its reputation. Should you ever be in such a situation, it is critical to work with a competent lawyer.

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At Meek Law Firm, we have a team of competent lawyers who can handle your case professionally and help you to recover the peace of mind you need to continue with business. Call attorney Jonathan Meek today at (704) 848-6335, or fill out the contact form on our website to get started.

Keep reading about What You Should Know About Product Liability Litigation at Meek Law Firm

Healthcare Power of Attorney: Understanding The Ins and Outs

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Healthcare is a basic need, and the decisions surrounding it are critical. If you (or a loved one) can’t make sound healthcare decisions for yourself (him/herself), it can be extremely unsettling. The good news is that all isn’t lost thanks to the healthcare power of attorney. In this informative blog post, we’re going to focus on the healthcare power of attorney and what it is all about. The following article provides great detail:

What is a Healthcare Power Of Attorney – HCPA

A healthcare power of attorney or HCPA is a legal form that allows an individual to empower another with decisions regarding his or her healthcare and medical treatment.

BREAKING DOWN Healthcare Power Of Attorney – HCPA

Healthcare power of attorney becomes active when a person is unable to make decisions or consciously communicate intentions regarding treatments.

The healthcare power of attorney allows people who become unable to make their own decisions to exercise their beliefs and wishes regarding medical procedures. The person’s agent can communicate on behalf of the sick or injured person, preventing unwanted treatment or making necessary decisions in the event that the individual is unable to do so. Read more at Investopedia…

In short, the healthcare power of attorney delegates the power to make any medical decision for a person, especially in case of an emergency. That seals any loophole associated with healthcare for you or loved ones.

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The healthcare power of attorney is not like any other document you just sign and start using. It is a legal document and the following post explains more about it in the North Carolina context:

North Carolina Power of Attorney Forms

A Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney has been created by the North Carolina legislature. The form may be found in the North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 32C, at Section 32C-3-301. Although the law states that POAs created before the new law are still effective, it would be a good idea to create a new one using the current form.

The form lists various types of financial transactions, each of which is explained in detail in the North Carolina General Statutes. To give your agent the power to engage in all matters, you can initial the line in front of the phrase “All Preceding Subjects.” Read more at Legal Zoom…

In essence, you need the input of a lawyer who is up to date on the latest developments in legal matters.

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Before your healthcare power of attorney is signed, you need to know its effectiveness in other states. This is especially so if you work or live in different states for one reason or the other. It’s crucial that you understand these details, which the following post examines in deeper detail:

Will Other States Accept My Living Will & Health Care Power of Attorney?

If you regularly spend time in more than one state, it’s smart to consider whether a living will, advance directive, or health care power of attorney made in your home state will be valid in the second state, too. Usually, it will be. Most states accept health care directives from other states as long as the documents are legally valid in the state where they were made — but this is not always the case.

When Your Health Care Documents May Not Be Accepted

Some states limit the extent to which they will honor health care directives from other states, accepting the documents only so far as they comply with their own laws. Read more at Nolo…

To ensure that your wishes are recognized, it’s important that you work with a competent lawyer to draw up your healthcare power of attorney. He or she will do all the background work that is required to ensure your documents are ironclad.

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If you’re in the metro Charlotte region, attorney Jonathan Meek has the education and experience needed to handle all of your legal needs. Call Meek Law Firm today at (704) 848-6335 to ensure that your health concerns are addressed and settled. We look forward to hearing from you.

Keep reading about Healthcare Power of Attorney: Understanding The Ins and Outs at Meek Law Firm

Prenuptial Agreements – When It’s Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

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The topic of prenuptial agreements has drawn a lot of attention and opinions across the board. For both celebrities and normal folk, prenups have become an important consideration before a couple decides to tie the knot. Prenuptial agreements offer a welcome solution to the problem of long and costly divorce cases. It is therefore important for those considering marriage to understand what a prenup is and how it can help in a time of crisis.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

The following post gives a snapshot of prenups in America:

Here are 10 things every person should know about prenuptial agreements.

The basics. A prenuptial agreement is a private agreement between a couple signed before they get married which sets forth the division of their assets in the event of divorce or death. Each state has its own laws regarding the enforcement and validity of prenuptial agreements. Which state’s law to apply depends on where the marriage took place, where the parties live during the marriage and what law the agreement says to apply. Often, couples in this situation will seek out the laws of the state that will be most beneficial in carrying out the terms of the prenup. Read more at Forbes…

Note that prenups vary from one state to the other. Ensure that your agreement complies with your own state’s laws.

Should I get a Prenup?

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If you are wondering whether a prenup is really for you, then the following post should help to highlight the specific situations in which a prenup may be considered vital:

Still, couples could benefit greatly from getting a prenup before tying the knot. Here are a few situations when a prenup might be a good idea:

You own a business

One or both of you has significant debt

One or both of you will inherit, or has inherited, money

One or both of you own real estate

One or both of you have children

You live in a community property state Read more at The Balance…

A prenuptial agreement protects both parties from possible loss in the event that the marriage does not work. It protects you from bearing the burden of debts and the unnecessary sharing of your hard-earned assets.

How do I get a Prenup?

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So how do you get a good prenuptial agreement? What do you need to do? The following post offers some useful advice:

5 Steps to a Strong Prenuptial Agreement

If you and your soon-to-be spouse have decided to file a prenuptial agreement, you have already taken the first step toward smart future financial planning. Next, there is a lot to think about. The following steps will help you navigate the process of creating a strong prenuptial agreement — even if you never need to use it.

#1: Preparation

Tackle the document as early as possible. When you give yourselves enough time, you’ll be able to thoroughly consider the terms you want to include and to make any necessary revisions without rushing. Read more at Petrelli Previtera Schimmel…

Getting a prenuptial agreement does not mean that you are planning for a divorce. In fact, there are couples who wrote them and never used them at all. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

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If you are in Charlotte, NC metro area and are looking for an experienced lawyer to help you prepare your prenuptial agreement, attorney Jonathan Meek will be glad to take you through the process. Call Meek Law Firm at (704) 848-6335 or complete the contact form on our website to book an appointment with us.

Keep reading about Prenuptial Agreements – When It’s Better To Be Safe Than Sorry at Meek Law Firm

How To Properly Close A Real Estate Deal

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The real estate closing process can be long and arduous. In some instances, it can be legally complex as well. If you’re new to it, you need to know some key information to ensure that you come out of the process with your investment and property secure. This article looks at three of the most important real estate closing steps you should know.

Open an Escrow Account

Escrow is an account held by a third party on behalf of the two principal parties involved in a transaction. Since home sale involves multiple steps which take time that can span weeks, the best way to mitigate the risk of either the seller or the buyer getting ripped off is to have a neutral third party hold all the money and documents related to the transaction until everything has been settled. Once all procedural formalities are over, the money and documents are moved from the custody of the escrow account to the seller and buyer, thereby guaranteeing a secure transaction. Read more at Investopedia…

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Even before you decide on the property you will purchase, open an escrow account. Real estate deals can go south very quickly, and you might find yourself losing a lot of money. An escrow acts as a buffer, keeping all the funds for the transaction safe. In case a deal goes sour, you can recover your money from the third party.

Hire a Reliable and Experienced Attorney

While optional, hiring an attorney to represent you in a real estate deal is a luxury few should do without. If for nothing else, hiring an attorney that specializes in real estate transactions will provide you with a peace of mind that can’t be underestimated. In hiring someone that is well-versed in these types of deals, you can rest assured that all of the closing documents are in order and where they need to be. What’s more, a trained eye will be able to identify any potential problems and meet them head on. Don’t let paperwork prevent you from closing on the deal of your dreams; hire a trained professional to represent your side of the deal. Read more at ThanMerrill…

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Signing the Contract

Signing the contract is not as easy as pulling out your pen and literally signing your name. Before that happens, you and the seller have to agree on the price. Plus, you and the seller have to agree on the terms of the sale.

Ideally, you should have a lawyer or a real estate agent take a look at the contract. If you don’t want to do that, be sure to ask questions about any clauses that seem unclear to you. You need to understand every word of the contract before you put pen to paper. Read more at Pinnacle Property…

Signing a contract may seem easy. Going over the contract with a careful eye is usually the issue. Get your lawyer or real estate agent to go over the contract and make sure everything in there is as agreed.

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One of the most important steps in our opinion is hiring the right lawyer. In fact, if you hire the right lawyer from the beginning, then chances are you will save yourself a lot of problems, and possibly a lot of money too. In most cases, the amount of money you save will make hiring a lawyer worth it.

If you are in the search for a great lawyer to take you through your real estate purchase, then look no further; Meek Law Firm is here for you. Give us a call at (704) 848-6335 for more information on our real estate services.

Keep reading about How To Properly Close A Real Estate Deal at Meek Law Firm

Crucial Steps For Pursuing Mergers And Acquisitions

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Mergers and acquisitions are very common in today’s commercial landscape. It’s important to understand the basics involved so that if you’re considering a merger or an acquisition, you don’t miss any crucial steps. Here’s an overview of what’s involved.

Why Merge With Or Acquire Another Company?

Mergers and acquisitions are among the most effective ways to expedite the implementation of a plan to grow rapidly. Companies in all industries have grown at lightning speed, in part because of an aggressive merger and acquisition strategy. The impact of technology and the Internet has only further increased the pace and size of deals. Buyers of all shapes and sizes have many of the same strategic objectives—to build long-term shareholder value and take advantage of the synergies that the combined firms will create—but each industry has its own specific objectives. Read more at Entrepreneurship…

Mergers and acquisitions have taken on a new dimension thanks to technology. The search for new products and ideas, as well as additional market share and strategic relationships are some of the reasons why technology companies, for instance, decide to come together.

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The defense industry has also benefitted from mergers and acquisitions by taking advantage of the resources of the private industry. Pharmaceutical companies have also jumped on this bandwagon to pull together research and development resources and deliver more products to the market.

Merger Or Acquisition?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and corporate restructuring are a big part of the corporate finance world. Wall Street investment bankers routinely arrange M&A transactions, bringing separate companies together to form larger ones. A merger is a combination of two companies, an acquisition is where one company buys another.

These actions often make the news. Deals can be worth billions of dollars. They can dictate the fortunes of the companies involved for years to come. For a CEO, leading an M&A can represent the highlight of a whole career. Read more at Investopedia…

Understand The Complexities

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Mergers and acquisitions are huge growth opportunities and any company CEO or top executive going through an M&A will tell you it isn’t easy to navigate and negotiate all the details. This is why it is so important to get an experienced law firm to handle all the details of the M&A. This also ensures both sides are getting a fair deal.

One of the most complicated steps in the M&A process is properly structuring the deal. There are many factors to be considered, such as antitrust laws, securities regulations, corporate law, rival bidders, taxes, accounting issues, contacts, market conditions, forms of financing, and specific negotiation points in the M&A deal itself. Important documents when structuring deals are the Term Sheet (used for raising money) and a Letter of Intent (LOI).

Some of the main steps of a merger and acquisition include:

  1. Develop an acquisition strategy.
  2. Set the M&A search criteria
  3. Search for potential acquisition
  4. Begin acquisition planning
  5. Perform valuation analysis
  6. Negotiations
  7. M&A due diligence
  8. Purchase and sale contracts Financing strategy for the acquisition
  9. Financing strategy for the acquisition.
  10. Closing and integration of the acquisition. Read more at Corporate Finance Institute…

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These are the basic steps involved in any merger or acquisition, and a successful M&A will most likely involve all or most of them. It really cannot be overstated how critical it is to hire the right lawyer for the job. To find one with experience and expertise in the Charlotte metro area, look no further than Meek Law Firm. We will walk you through the entire process and make sure you get the best out of the deal. Get in touch with us today at (704) 848-6335. We look forward to speaking with you.

Keep reading about Crucial Steps For Pursuing Mergers And Acquisitions at Meek Law Firm

Here’s What To Look For In A Good Lawyer

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Whether you need representation for family law, business law or criminal law, your attorney has the power to make or break your case. This is why it is so important to make sure you pick the right person for the job.

A good lawyer has a certain set of characteristics that cannot be ignored. He or she should be experienced and professional, but also empathetic. This is because your lawyer will likely also need to take on the role of counselor. Read on below to learn exactly what to look for in a lawyer.


Whether you have a lot of money or are on a modest budget, you should always go with someone you can afford. Even if you believe a hot-shot lawyer will certainly get you that settlement, it does not make sense if you can’t afford the fee.

Another absolutely important characteristic of a good attorney is a clear, honest, and appropriate fee structure. For one, you’ll want to make sure that the price of the attorney is worth the case. Smaller disputes generally don’t warrant hiring the most expensive counsel. In addition, you should ask your attorney if they bill by the hour or if a flat fee arrangement is an option. While some attorneys might advertise a very low flat fee, you’ll also want to inquire as to any additional fees. The advertised price might not include court filing fees, or even the cost of printing documents for your case. Read full post at…


good lawyer

When considering the experience of a prospective lawyer, find out if he or she has sufficient experience in your type of case. Such a lawyer would be better placed to represent you. The following advice would apply to a small business owner:

Although it’s not essential to find an expert in your particular field, it makes sense to look for someone who specializes in small-business problems as opposed to, say maritime law. “Find someone who understands the different business structures and their tax implications,” says Hodge. Read full post at Entrepreneur…

Good Judgment

good lawyer

Skill is great, but good judgment is a worthy accompaniment to skill and experience. The best lawyers are quick on their feet, even in the court room.

My dad never went to college, but he used to say something I don’t forget: You can’t teach good judgment. This thought is so profound that it needs to be a book, not encased within an article by someone like me. This idea is also not only about the legal profession, because I see it in many top MBAs as well, where everyone has a baseline of education but few people are good at applying judgment in complex situations. There are many times when I’ve had to rely on the judgment of my lawyer on a legal issue or, more often, on an issue tangential to the law. These are situations on the margin that are not just a matter of legal items but are also about business strategy. This might be the toughest point of all, because I can’t really explain how you know someone is a good decision-maker, but I felt confident in our lawyer’s competence in the beginning, and it was validated by the first few complex issues we ran into. Read full post at…

Professionalism, good communication and excellent people skills are essential traits your lawyer should possess. They are the hallmarks of attorney Jonathan Meek. If you’re looking for a great lawyer, you can’t go wrong with Meek Law Firm. Call us today at (704) 848-6335 to discuss your legal needs for business, estate or family matters.

Keep reading about Here’s What To Look For In A Good Lawyer at Meek Law Firm

5 Tips To Make Divorce Easier On Your Kids

Divorce is often very hard on couples. It takes a physical, mental and emotional toll when you decide you can no longer be with someone you once loved. This is totally understandable. However, divorce is hard on kids too. If you have children, you definitely need to think about their interests before, during and after the divorce.

The following tips work both at the start of divorce proceedings and after the divorce has been finalized.

1. Make Your Divorce as Amicable as Possible

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This is the first and obvious tip. Your children will pick up on any negative energy between you and your estranged-spouse. This is why it is important to take care of yourself. Self-care is the start of caring for others. It also helps reduce stress. After the divorce is final, you will still need to see your kids regularly, so maintaining a good relationship with your ex should be non-negotiable.

2. Consider Counseling

A lot of people only consider counseling as the last option when things get out of hand. This should not be the case. Counseling is a great way to bring together everyone involved in a divorce. It provides a safe place where the children especially can talk things out and say how they feel about the divorce. They also have a chance to point out the things they do not like. Their parents also get to explain everything in a controlled environment with the counselor acting as a mediator to make sure the conversation remains neutral and positive.

3. Minimize Changes Whenever Possible

Divorce involves a lot of huge changes for both the spouse and children. Your kids will have to live in two different homes (depending on the custody agreement), change schools, and move to a different city, among other things. While some of these cannot be avoided, there are some things that can be effectively managed, like how you introduce a new partner to your children.

Changing schools, moving homes, change in quality of life due to change in household income, and eventually new partners for their parents—they’re all traumatic, and some may be necessary, but try to minimize them. Read more at LifeHacker…

4. Do not Blame the Kids

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This is an obvious one, but some parents forget it and their kids end up being resentful, which makes the divorce even harder on them.

Another thing you should definitely not do is tell your children that you tried to work it out for their sake. This is yet another way of shifting the blame on them.

Young children are not able to see the gray areas and outside influences that led to the separation. More likely, they will blame themselves. And that’s a heavy weight for a child to carry. Read more at What to Expect…

Be Honest and Open

Lastly, you need to be open about the fact that you are having a divorce and what it means. Include all the possible changes that could happen, like change of location and schools.

Do not make your child think that the divorce could be reversed. Explain to them that it is final and that you are not getting back together. This lets them start acclimatizing to these new conditions.

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Every child needs to understand that divorce is final and not up for debate. However, the age of the child will determine how you explain the situation, as younger children may not need as many details. Read more at CA Divorce…

If you are considering divorce or are already in the process, it’s important to do all you can to make it easier for your kids. Hiring a great divorce lawyer, like Jonathan Meek of Meek Law Firm, will help the process move along more smoothly. Give us a call today at (704) 848-6335 to discuss the details of your situation.

Understanding Divorce From Bed And Board In North Carolina

The decision to end a marriage is never an easy one and the law recognizes this fact. There are specific requirements that must be fulfilled for a divorce to go through. One of them is the consent of both parties. However, there are some instances when this is not possible or is deemed unnecessary, such as when one spouse bears the responsibility for breaking up the marriage due to mistreatment, infidelity or other legally defined circumstances which we’ll discuss in this post. This legal provision is called Divorce from Bed and Board.

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First of all, you need to understand what Divorce from Bed and Board means. The following post gives a good basic understanding:

What is a Divorce from Bed and Board?

A divorce from bed and board is a legal action between married couples. Contrary to what it sounds like, a divorce from bed and board is NOT a divorce. Instead, it is a legal separation that alters a couple’s marital status. Unfortunately, this type of separation does not arise from amicable circumstances. Instead, it is a “fault-based” legal separation in which one spouse has engaged in conduct that harmed the other spouse. Read more at New Direction Family Law…

From the above, it’s clear that Divorce from Bed and Board is a legal procedure that is initiated by one of the spouses seeking to separate from the other.

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The laws in North Carolina expressly outline the kind of circumstances under which a person can file for Divorce from Bed and Board. The post below provides details:

The following are the fault-based grounds for a Divorce from Bed & Board from NC General Statute Section 50.7:

  • Abandonment of the Family
  • Maliciously turning the complaining spouse out of doors
  • Treating the complaining spouse in such a cruel or barbarous way that it endangers his or her life
  • Indignities that render the complaining spouse’s condition intolerable or life overly burdensome
  • Adultery

Excessive drug or alcohol use that makes the complaining spouse’s condition intolerable or life overly burdensome. Read more at Felton Banks…

This legal action is meant to protect one spouse from the other, and provide a different approach to an actual divorce.

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Divorce from Bed and Board is a legal action and there are some defined outcomes from it you should be know. Learn about them in the following post:

Outcomes from a Divorce from Bed and Board

A divorce from bed and board will not terminate the marriage. However, a divorce from bed and board does have a number of legal consequences.

The complaining spouse can get the right to live in the marital home and evict the defending spouse. The defending spouse can also lose their right to inherit property from their spouse and other legal rights typically given to married partners.

A divorce from bed and board can also have consequences if the spouse’s later get an absolute divorce. For example, any findings that a spouse committed adultery or other marital misconduct could impact the right to receive alimony. Spouses who commit adultery generally have no right to alimony, and a judge may award a higher amount of alimony if the supporting spouse is guilty of marital infidelity. Read more at King Law Offices…

If you or a loved one is in a situation that warrants a Divorce from Bed and Board, it is important to seek representation by an attorney who is well versed in Family Law.

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If you’re looking for the right lawyer in Charlotte, Meek Law Firm is the place to turn. Attorney Jonathan Meek has the expertise and experience to offer you the best possible legal assistance. Call Meek Law Firm today at (704) 848-6335 or complete the contact form on the website and we’ll get in touch with you.

Keep reading about Understanding Divorce From Bed And Board In North Carolina at Meek Law Firm

Common Estate Administration Concerns You Should Know

Dealing with the aftermath of a loved one’s death can be extremely difficult in the simplest of situations. When you’re responsible for settling the affairs of the deceased, it’s often even harder. This process is known as estate administration and it can be a challenge. Let’s take a closer look at this important area of the law.

Estate administration is a legal process that follows rules that may vary depending on the state you are in. However, there are general principles that should guide your decision making and actions at such a critical time.

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To get you started, here is a general overview of the process of estate administration that might be of help to you:

Estate Administration: Know What to Do When a Loved One Dies

The strong emotions that come with a loved one’s passing are often followed by bewilderment when survivors realize all of the financial and legal steps they must take to settle their affairs. The spouse who passed away may have handled all of the couple’s finances, leaving the other uninformed and overwhelmed. Or perhaps a caregiver must begin probating an estate which he or she knows little about. In some cases, the estate itself may be in disarray or scattered among many accounts.

Probate can be intimidating, but understanding how the process works and having some expert legal tips at your disposal will help you execute your duties confidently and correctly. Read more at Aging Care…

Learning about the probate process will definitely help you have a hassle-free time. You will be better placed to take charge of the situation you’re in.

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There are often situations in which the deceased has no disclosed will, and even after a search is done, it is nowhere to be found. The following post describes what you can do in such a situation:

How to File to Be Executor of an Estate Without a Will

Your will has an important function beyond providing instructions for the distribution of your property. It also names the person who will serve as the executor your estate. The executor has the job of paying your final bills and distributing any remaining assets.

When someone dies without a will, it’s called dying “intestate.” In these situations, no one may have the legal authority to close the deceased’s estate. Probate court can step in to select someone to perform these duties or a loved-one can volunteer to fill the vacancy. This court-appointed representative is known as an administrator. The duties performed by an administrator are essentially the same as an executor. Read more at FindLaw…

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The role of an executor is very critical. The decisions made will be binding on all the beneficiaries and other parties. The following post highlights the role of the executor in detail:

Learn About the Role of an Executor or Executrix

An executor—sometimes referred to as an executrix when a woman assumes the job—is the individual responsible for managing the affairs of a deceased person’s probate estate. A decedent can no longer own property, so everything he owned at the time of his death must be legally transferred to living beneficiaries.

This is where probate comes in and what it accomplishes. It’s the legal process of making sure that the decedent’s debts and liabilities are paid off from the cash and assets he left behind, then transferring ownership of what remains to his beneficiaries. Read more at The Balance…

If you choose to take this responsibility, or if a member of your family does, the advice of an attorney will be of great help. It will ensure that nothing is left unaddressed.

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If you’re in Charlotte, NC and need an attorney who is experienced in estate administration matters, Meek Law Firm is the company to call. Jonathan Meek is skilled and passionate about meeting his clients’ needs. He will provide you with the legal representation you require.

Call Meek Law Firm today at (704) 848-6335 or complete the contact form on our website and we’ll get in touch with you. We look forward to assisting you.

Keep reading about Common Estate Administration Concerns You Should Know at Meek Law Firm

Use a Children’s Trust Wisely as Part Of Your Estate Planning

Your hard-earned wealth can be managed most effectively after your passing if you have prepared for it in advance. Estate planning is your opportunity to make sure your wishes are clear on all the details that must be considered. This certainly includes any wealth you choose to leave to your children. One tool that can assist with this process is a children’s trust.

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If you’ve been looking for general information about trusts, then you’re at the right place. The following post is a good place to start:

Should You Create a Trust?

People often create trusts to help them manage their assets. Here’s a quickie on the basics of a trust, along with a description of common uses.

A trust is created by the grantor (that’s you). The grantor writes the rules governing how the trust is to operate, what it is to do, and how and when to do it. If the trust is revocable, you can change the rules at any time. If the trust is irrevocable, you can’t. (Each form has advantages and disadvantages, including tax implications.) Read more at Edelman Financial…

There are various options of trusts that you could go for, especially if your children have unique needs. Choose the one that will work best for them.

meek law firm charlotte nc business contract law jonathan meek family law estate administration children's trust

Another concern you may have is keeping the inheritance within the family for generations to come. This can be done by preventing its transfer in one way or another. The following post describes how you can do this:

How to Make Sure Your Grandchildren Get an Inheritance

One common question that clients ask their estate planning attorney is how to ensure that their hard-earned money stays in the family and, more particularly, out of the hands of a daughter-in-law or son-in-law. The good news is that there are different ways to structure your child’s inheritance so that it stays in the family for generations to come. Here’s how. Read more at The Balance…

Open communication with your children during your estate planning can avert many future problems. If you have responsible children, get them in the loop.

meek law firm charlotte nc business contract law jonathan meek family law estate administration children's trust

The benefits of setting up a children’s trust are more than you can imagine if you do it well. The following post describes them in detail:

Benefits of a trust

An effective trust begins with documentation carefully drafted by a qualified attorney with knowledge of your specific situation as well as current laws. Without the appropriate documentation, you and your beneficiaries may not reap the benefits of a trust, some of which are described below.

  1. Pass wealth efficiently and privately to your heirs

Perhaps the most powerful and straightforward way to use a trust is to ensure that your heirs have timely access to your wealth. When you transfer your assets to your beneficiaries through a will, your estate is settled through a procedure known as “probate,” which is conducted in state courts.  Read more at Fidelity…

Estate planning is a process that has substancial legal consequences. As such, you will do yourself a favor by choosing to work with an attorney that is well-versed with the estate planning legal requirements.

meek law firm charlotte nc business contract law jonathan meek family law estate administration children's trust

If you are in Charlotte, NC and need the services an accomplished estate planning attorney, you’ll be glad to know that Meek Law Firm has the experience and expertise you seek.

Call Jonathan Meek today at (704) 848-6335 to schedule a consultation. Or, visit our website and complete the contact form and we’ll get in touch with you.

Keep reading about Use a Children’s Trust Wisely as Part Of Your Estate Planning at Meek Law Firm